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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
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Donor Match
Sibling Match
Abbott Northwestern Center for Reproductive Medicine, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, (Minneapolis, Minnesota). Some of these donor numbers are the same as the University of Utah's donor numbers (University of Utah and this place had some sort of sharing agreement). Center for Reproductive Medicine also used CLI.
Born 1996. Started donating 2018. Stopped donating 2019. German, Scottish, and French. Height: 5'7". Dark brown Curly hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. Masters degree in counseling. Nanny. Hiking, long distant running, painting, going for walks with her dogs, exploring cities, and trying new foods.
Describes herself as energetic, organized, thoughtful, caring, athletic, and adventurous. She enjoys hiking, long distant running, painting, going for walks with her dogs, exploring cities, and trying new foods. She graduated from high school with a GPA of 3. 7. She was on the cross country skiing, and track teams in high school. She has a Bachelors degree in family social studies. Her college GPA was 3. 3. She most enjoyed her counseling practicum and diversity classes. During college, she volunteered at a food shelf, a womens shelter, and a high school. She has worked to pay her way through college. She is pursuing a Masters degree in counseling. She works as a nanny while in school.
Updated on 12/31/23
There are a total of
sibling matches, and
donor to offspring matches for this donor.