To donate to the Donor Sibling Registry via Paypal, click here:
We provide a service that no one else does — and it takes time, man (woman) power, and money to maintain the DSR website and databases.
In addition, we are not just a simple website. We are a worldwide organization that has become the "voice" of donor families around the world — speaking at medical, legal, and bioethics symposiums and conferences, as well as researching and publishing dozens of peer-reviewed articles in medical, psychological, and legal journals. We are the go-to organization when the media needs information or guidance with regard to donor conception.
Wendy and Ryan Kramer started and ran the DSR with their own funds for the first 5 years until we got so big that it was impossible to keep growing our 501(c)3 charity without the help of our members. (We receive no outside funding.)
It has been many years since we have had to ask for donations, as our paid memberships have been enough to sustain the DSR. However, most of our members are not paying members, as they’re donor offspring under 18 posted by their parents.
In 2020 we underwent a major website rebuild, which involved redesigning the front end/CMS and recoding the entire back end: millions of lines of code and several databases that haven’t been redone since they were first built in 2003. This rebuild was crucial to ensure that the DSR website meets future internet security standards — and allows the DSR to continue to grow, serving both current and future DSR families.
Recoding and moving our databases from MySQL and PHP to Ruby on Rails and redesigning/building a new CMS cost us almost $300,000. The DSR operates on a Board-approved yearly budget, but the costs to rebuild the website greatly exceeded that budget. We must now look toward the future of the DSR and the continued growth of the organization and website. 2024-2025: A long-needed UX and UI upgrade is happening, this will cost ~$30,000.
The DSR operates on a yearly budget, including the following expenses:
Website: Website security monitoring and management. Website hosting, repairs, and updates. Database developers and website managers.
Merchant and gateway banking fees
Graphic design, copywriters, advertising, videos
Contract labor/part-time employees
Professional fees (e.g., attorney and CPA)
Office supplies, equipment, software, printing, postage
Licenses, memberships, and dues
Research: Implementing and conducting research projects and overseeing subsequent papers through to publication in academic journals
Travel: speaking and presenting our research at conferences and at organizations
Conference and symposium fees
Dues and membership fees at several related professional organizations.
Insurance: Workers' Comp, Non-profit D & O business
Telephone, internet fees (2 providers)
Business management/accounting
Grant research and writing
Writing and editing educational materials, brochures, and academic papers
Printing all brochures, booklets, and educational materials
Business-to-business relations, infertility organizations, sperm banks, egg agencies and clinics, mental health professionals, universities, etc. LGBTQ and reproductive medicine industry outreach projects, phone calls, and mailings
Dealing with requests from and working with researchers, bioethicists, attorneys, and authors
Work on changing infertility/donor conception legislation: meetings, phone calls, letters, drafting regulation, advising legislators
Monitoring private DSR Facebook Group page — the place for DSR news, chatting, and member support
Advice/support phone calls with members
Interviews: All PR and media relations, dealing with all television, radio, print, documentary, and film inquiries; helping to produce these pieces by providing all background information, families to interview and include, and advising on pertinent issues to be researched and included
Fielding calls and inquiries from domestic and international bioethicists, physicians, academics, attorneys, researchers, specialists, and infertility organizations
Carefully monitor all new members and manually approve all new posts and photos. Contacting members when posts need to be adjusted or posting needs to occur. All site monitoring. This extremely complicated database website requires an incredible amount of day-to-day attention to every new member and every new and edited posting. This is our life's work, and we strive to give our members our very best, including always being uber-responsive!
Your donation can help support our efforts to connect, educate, and support all egg and sperm donors, parents, and donor-conceived people.
Or, you can send a check to:
Donor Sibling Registry
PO Box 1571
Nederland, CO 80466
The Donor Sibling Registry is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization: Federal Tax ID # 11-3703271
"I have been collaborating with the DSR over the past year on a research project designed to examine the feelings and experiences of donors, donor offspring, and their parents. I have found the DSR to be a highly professional organization run by extremely committed people. I have been amazed by the quality of the work carried out on a very small budget, and I have no doubt that any funding awarded to them would be used as effectively as possible." —Dr. Susan Golombok, University of Cambridge, UK
"I am personally so proud to have been a part in giving the DSR a small grant last year. It is one of the best awards The Open Door Fund has ever made. I wished we could have given more." —Joanne Arnold, PhD; Past Chair, Open Door Fund
You can now donate appreciated stock to the DSR. Print and fill out our form and send it to both Wendy Kramer ( and your own stock administrator so that they can transfer the stock. The value of the stock on the date it was donated to the DSR is tax-deductible. Check with your tax advisor, but you should not owe any tax on the increase in value of the stock from the original purchase price.