By admin on March 07, 2011

From an egg donor recipient:

“I asked our fertility clinic to send out information to the other egg donor recipients – to let them know about the DSR and to let them know that at least one egg donor recipient wishes to find any half siblings who were conceived from the same egg donor. The egg donor coordinator related that she checked with her physicians who have decided at this time, since it is an anonymous program, that they are not going to send out any  information to the other egg donor recipients.  The egg donor said that she can’t guarantee that the clinic will ever do something like that, but there are changes happening in the industry and maybe at some point this kind of information will be given to egg donor recipients.  She said that she believes that most egg donor recipients are “savvy” about all aspects of egg donation and most likely know about the DSR site and will look at it if they wish to do so.

The egg donor coordinator did say that she will forward any letter I write to her anonymously to the egg donor.  When the clinic receives the letter they try to find the egg donor – she moved without giving them a new address and they are not sure where she is at this point.”

This egg donation coordinator’s response on behalf of the physicians was disturbing, but very insightful. How many clinics lose track of their egg donors? Why wouldn’t they want their donors and recipient families to have the choice of mutual consent contact on the DSR?  It’s important for people to understand before choosing a clinic or agency that some are very closed when it comes to the issues and rights of the families and the donors and how important it might be for families to contact each other. Our published research indicated that more than 63% of egg donors felt that they were not adequately educated by their clinics and that 97% of them were never contacted for an updated medical record.

By admin on March 07, 2011

This is from a mom in the largest donor offspring group that we are aware of on the DSR. Currently, there are more than 125 children reported. Many of the moms have removed their DSR postings as they became afraid of media and losing their privacy. (One mom from this groups reports another 4 unverified children also being born from this donor. )

“I can tell you that the guy from Fairfax is possibly ill informed but more likely lying to you. I used FF donor xxxx. There are over 100 babies that I am aware of and more coming. Fairfax is now allowing sale on the secondary market and we just found out about a doctor buying directly from them and using the sperm for IUI.

I wouldn’t believe what they tell you because a number of moms from my group called them to complain over and over and they basically said, “too bad”. It wasn’t until they threatened to go to the press that Fairfax claimed they pulled him. He is not available on their site but we now know his sperm is still being sold. {Note from Wendy: a mother who bought the sperm from the “secondary market” that Fairfax sells to is pregnant and reports that she was refused the donor profile from Fairfax.}

I think Fairfax is a huge company. They do what they do to make money and are not particularly concerned about the individuals involved. They have a nice website and attract lots of buyers but after you find out the real deal.”

She was responding to this post of mine from a few weeks ago:

When I spoke to Fairfax’s Dr. Pool at the ASRM meeting in October he was shocked to know that Fairfax had large numbers of half sibling groups. He was shocked to hear that Fairfax had the largest groups on the DSR. He said that he could have known this if he had access to the DSR. When I informed him that since the DSR began anyone could browse the website and look at all the Fairfax listings and groups he was again, shocked. (Fairfax employees have indeed been on our site, for years). He didn’t seem to be aware of any of the mothers of the large groups calling in to inquire as to why their sibling groups were so large.

By admin on February 22, 2011

By Corey Whelan, The American Fertility Assn. in the Infertility & Miscarriage Examiner

For decades, the donor sperm insemination process was shrouded in secrecy. Children created this way had little hope of retrieving medical or other types of information about their genetic origins and parents often were encouraged to not disclose their children’s donor status. But Wendy Kramer, co-founder and director of the Donor Sibling Registry, was determined to change that situation for children like her son, who was conceived with donated sperm, as well as for those born from newer technologies via egg or embryo donation. In fact, she hopes the lessons learned from donor sperm, which has been utilized as a family building technique for much long than either of the other methods, can serve as a model for how the third party reproduction field should be treating both gamete donors and children resulting from third party donation.

On Thursday, February 24th at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST The Surrogacy Lawyer: Your Guide to IVF and Third Party Family Building, Theresa Erickson, Esq., will discuss donor disclosure issues and the work of the groundbreaking Donor Sibling Registry (DSR) with Wendy Kramer ( The show will air on Voice America.

The Donor Sibling Registry (DSR) was founded in 2000 to assist individuals conceived as a result of sperm, egg or embryo donation that are seeking to make mutually desired contact with others with whom they share genetic ties. With more than 30,000 current members, the DSR has helped to connect more than 8,000 of those with their half siblings and/or sperm or egg donors. Without any outside support, the DSR has single-handedly pioneered a national discussion about donor conception and families. Wendy and her son, Ryan, have appeared on 60 Minutes, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America and many other news shows and publications.

“Two of the most intensely debated topics in reproductive medicine center around donor anonymity and disclosure,“ says attorney Erickson. “Though there has been a growing consensus among mental health practitioners that openness about genetic origin positively influences donor-conceived children, still many questions remain. As a field, we have much to learn from the experience of the adoption community and pioneers like Wendy Kramer. We are looking forward to a productive discussion about the options that every intended parent and professional helping them must consider about these issues.”

To Listen: