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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
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Posted by Offspring (No Gender Specified)
Donor Match
Sibling Match
Doctors were Aaron Chinn, Heinrick Beernink, Ferdinand Beernink, and Amen Ness. Office assistants were named Lisa Justi, Jan, Linda, Laurel, Beth, and Debbie. Many or all of these doctors are retired now, so the address and phone number could be obsolete. Drs. Chinn and Ness may still be practicing; both Beernincks are retired. 2011: Dr. Chinn says all records were destroyed 10 years ago.
Swedish/ German/ English/ Irish/ Finish. Height: 6'O". Blood type O+. Weight: 155. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Medium complexion. Music major/ mechanics. Sculpture/ phys. therapy.
Dr. Aaron Chinn performed procedure.
Updated on 06/05/16
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sibling matches, and
donor to offspring matches for this donor.