NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
This registry is intended strictly for informational purposes, and is neither endorsed nor supported by any individual or organization. Please note that while access to this list is restricted to individuals over 18 years of age, it is up to each and every parent to supervise and monitor their child's use of the Internet.
Female is Asian (Japanese) and Male is Swiss, English, Irish.
Height: Female - 62"; Male - 69".
Weight: Female- 125; Male- 170.
Dark brown
Brown eyes.
Medium complexion.
Female has Bachelors; Male has Doctorate.
Female was an Administrative Assistant; Male was an Engineer.
Male enjoyed the guitar, singing, hiking, skiing.
--->These were donor embryos that were obtained from Cooper Center, but *created at an outside lab* which we have been told closed - this outside lab was supposedly located in NJ as well. Donor couple specified that the embryos must go to a married couple whose ages were under 42. Female was Japanese (age 25.9 at time of retrieval) and Male was Swiss, English, & Irish (age 41.5 at time of donation). Female was allergic to cats. --->Embryos were created in March 2004. I am unsure of the specific date that they were donated, but we received the embryos in April 2006.