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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).

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Fairfax Cryobank

Sperm Bank

These numbers are the same as those at GIVF (Genetics and IVF). Sperm donors should be listed here, egg donors at GIVF. Fairfax supplies sperm to Can Am Cryo (Canada). They link to CLI on their website (and CLI links to Fairfax on their website), but they have their own donor numbers. They bought out a bunch of smaller sperm banks, including CLI, in 2002, but some of those banks are still operating in separate buildings and kept their old name. The donors are still separate from Fairfax numbers, so they don't have to be crossposted to the Fairfax list (but may need to be posted to another list--see the specific facility to see if something is mentioned in the heading).

Donor ID & Info Offspring / Contact Info
Donor ID: 6808
  • Male born Feb 12 2024
  • Posted 08/28/24
  • Updated on 08/28/24
  • parent
Donor ID: 6808
  • German/African American.
  • Height: 6’0”.
  • Blood type O+
  • Weight: 187lbs.
  • Auburn Wavy hair.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Medium complexion.
  • MS/Applied Econometrics.
  • Senior Research Assistant.
  • No religion.
  • Asian Languages, Economics, Mathematics, Swimming.
  • Donor 6808 is a bright, ambitious man who has a strong work ethic and passion for learning. An economic researcher, he is pursuing graduate studies and is a skilled mathematician. He is quiet, reserved, and respectful. Honesty and being nice to others are important to him. He is well read and has lived abroad in Asia for over a decade. He is an avid movie watcher and really enjoys horror films as well as independent films. He enjoys traveling and hopes to continue doing that as his job will allow it. This donor is a tall handsome man with thick auburn hair. He has big blue eyes that are accentuated by his thick eyebrows. He keeps a clean and smooth shave, and he has a friendly smile. He resembles rapper Egor Kreed.
  • Posted 11/21/23
  • Updated on 11/21/23
There are a total of 1 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.