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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
This registry is intended strictly for informational purposes, and is neither endorsed nor supported by any individual or organization. Please note that while access to this list is restricted to individuals over 18 years of age, it is up to each and every parent to supervise and monitor their child's use of the Internet.
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Donor Match
Sibling Match
In the mid-to-late eighties, Northwestern Memorial Hospital had, within its Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, an In Vitro fertilization program run, or at least staffed, by Dr. David Hoffman. That program often advertised for sperm donors at the medical school AND at Northwestern's law school. They started freezing donor sperm in 1988.
Born Feb 12 1994. Started donating Sep 1 2017. Stopped donating Sep 8 2017. Height: 5'4. Blood type A-. Blonde Straight hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. Bachelor of Science. Christian.
Donor match
Updated on 12/10/18
Born Feb 12 1994. Irish. Height: 5'4". Blonde Straight hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. Bachelor's Degree. Christian.
Donor match
Updated on 01/04/19
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sibling matches, and
donor to offspring matches for this donor.