NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
This registry is intended strictly for informational purposes, and is neither endorsed nor supported by any individual or organization. Please note that while access to this list is restricted to individuals over 18 years of age, it is up to each and every parent to supervise and monitor their child's use of the Internet.
The parent company is now Generate Life Sciences. Also Nordic Cryobank (European Sperm Bank) in Denmark: donor numbers in the 7000s and 7100s. CCB was established in 1977, Nordic Cryobank/European Sperm Bank was established in 2004. Those people using the Nordic donors mentioned above, please also post under Nordic Cryobank/European Sperm Bank, and also post the alias donor name if known. 2020: Generate Life Sciences/CCB now also operates the NW Cryobank and Manhattan Cryobank.
Born Apr 22. Norwegian/ German. Height: 6'. Blood type O+. Weight: 170. Blonde Straight hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. B. A. Education/ M. A. Fine ARts. Teacher/ actor. Protestant. Baseball, writing, playing piano, .
Says he loves animals, has a very close family, looks like four siblings, donated originally with USC, probably born in late 50's or sometime in the 60's? father political writer, mother counseling, psychol. Lutheran religion, had a great uncle who died in hunting accident, 8 years of post h. s. education
Started donating Sep 17 1987. Irish. Height: 5'10". Weight: 160. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. 7 years of college . Student and NCS Employee. Baptist. "Japanese language (studying), bicycling" ; (from 2nd questionnaire: ) "biking, swimming, bonsai".
State & County of origin of most of ancestors/ relatives and donor's self: Crawford, IL & Michigan, USA Father suffered from a fatal stroke in February 1985 at 44 years old. Surgical operations: -1963: repair of umbilical hernia at 10 mo. old -1977: removal of thryoglossal duct cysts at 15/ 16 years old --Due to the above dates, it can be deduced that he was born in 1962 (most likely) or 1963
University Of Southern California School of Medicine "Andrology Laboratory," Livingston Laboratory, USC Andrology Laboratory, 1321 N. Mission Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90033. See also Procreative Technologie LA/Santa Monica. Procreative Technologies began as part of University of Southern California (USC) and was located at the USC Health Science Campus. They then moved to West Los Angeles/Santa Monica. There was also a branch in St. Louis, MO. Later, USC and Procreative were bought out by California Cryobank. CCB changed the donor numbers in some cases.
Born Apr 22. Norwegian/ German. Height: 6'. Blood type O+. Weight: 170. Blonde Straight hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. B. A. Education/ M. A. Fine ARts. Teacher/ actor. Protestant. Running, hiking, playing baseball. Singing, playing piano, writing.
Is a professional writer, loves animals, has a very close relationship with his family.