NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
This registry is intended strictly for informational purposes, and is neither endorsed nor supported by any individual or organization. Please note that while access to this list is restricted to individuals over 18 years of age, it is up to each and every parent to supervise and monitor their child's use of the Internet.
Genetics & IVF Institute has its own donor egg program. It also owns and operates Fairfax Cryobank, Cryogenic Laboratories, LifeStor Cord Blood Bank, and embryo storage facilities. Sperm Donor numbers are usually listed at Fairfax (those listed there are the same as the ones listed here), Egg Donors are listed here.
Born Dec 1966. Started donating May 1 1997. Stopped donating Apr 1 1998. Irish, English, French, Scottish, and German. Height: 5'2". Blood type B+. Brown Wavy hair. Green eyes. Fair complexion. Agnostic. Seeing live music, hiking, traveling, camping, singing, dancing (around the house), animals (wildlife, cats, dogs).
Born Dec 1966. Started donating 1997. Irish/ Scottish/ British. Height: 5'2". Blood type B+. Weight: 105. Dark brown hair. Green eyes. Fair complexion. Grad school journalism. Freelance writer. Christian. Travel.
Associated doctors/facilities: Dr. Debrovner, Dr. Hugh Melnick, Fertility Centers of CA, and Mt Sinai. Donor numbers with the letters in front of them are likely the Fertility Center of CA- Orange donor numbers. Please check those lists for matches, too. There have been several reports of Repro Lab families not receiving the donor sperm that they had purchased. See the Repro Lab page on our "Which Sperm Bank" page (under Helpful Info tab).
Born May 1967. German/ Austrian. Height: 6'4". Blood type A+. Weight: 210. Dark brown Curly hair. Brown eyes. Medium complexion. MA/ Special Education. Special Education Teacher. Protestant. All athletics, yoga, photography, musician and screenwriter. .
Outgoing, warm, intellectual, spiritual, loving and caring. Donor can speak Spanish, English and a little Italian.
Born May 1967. German/ austrian. Height: 6'4". Blood type A+. Weight: 210. Dark brown Curly hair. Brown eyes. Medium complexion. Ma/ special education. Special Education Teacher. Other. All athletics, yoga, photography, musician, screenwriter.
Outgoing, warm, intellectual, spiritual, loving and caring