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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).

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They were partners and had two offices, one in Palm Beach Gardens, the other in West Palm Beach. At one time, they used Xytex donors in their practice, for sure Xytex donor #2035 and #2203. The list of donors they gave us to look at while in the office was well-thumbed, so it is likely they used more than those two donors.
Donor ID:
  • Born Feb 26 1954. Started donating Feb 1983. Stopped donating 1984. Father German, mother Irish. Height: 5'11". Blood type A+. Weight: 165#. Brown hair. Green eyes. Medium complexion. 16 years education. Welder. Info roughly correct as of 2008: Xytex donor. Born Feb26, 1954. Started donating Feb4, 1983. German father, Irish mother. Height: 5'11". Weight: 165#. Blood type A+. Brown hair. Green eyes. Medium complexion. 16 years. Welder. Lutheran. Was married and had two children at that time, a son who should now be about 32 and a daughter who should now be about 29. Donor had brother (now about 61) and a sister (now about 57). He also had one paternal uncle, two paternal aunts and one each maternal uncle and aunt. Donor was quite "successful" per my attending OBGYN in Palm Beach county, so there should be some more siblings out there! : -) Kyle is quite pleased that he knows he has two more siblings out there somewhere! We already have the DNA analysis for Kyle and Mom from GTL for potential possible matches. Kyle has already submitted dna to Cabri to go in their database. Was "BFK", but should be changed "CGL" per note at top of the Xytex list-so I left it at the "2203".
    • Male born Feb 1985
  • Read message posted 05/08/08
  • Updated on 01/30/13
  • parent
There are a total of 1 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.

Xytex Corporation

Sperm Bank
Open since 1975. Offices in Augusta, Atlanta, and Newmarket, Ontario-supplier for Genesis Fertility Center in Canada (see that list also). According to Outreach Health Services' website (in 2008),, Outreach Health Services is the Canadian distributor for Xytex Corporation. Donor numbers should have three letters in front of the number (codes Xytex uses for hair and eye combinations, blood type, and height--first letter is for coloring: Dark Hair/Dark Eyes is A, Dark Hair/Light Eyes is B, Light Hair/Light Eyes is C, Light Hair/Dark Eyes is D, African American Donors are E. Second letter is for blood type: O+ is F, A+ is G, B+ is H, AB+ is I, Rh- is J. Third letter is height: Under 5'7" is K, 5;7" to 5'11" is L, 6' to 6'4" is M, 6'5" and taller is N). Numbers are only used one time with the donors so if you know the number part, you are most likely a match to that number if it is listed with letters (or different letters than what you have). Older donor numbers may have a D in front of them, but those are listed on here without the D. Their three letter code for the earlier donor numbers may have been different or may have been changed at one point in time by Xytex. (for example, an older number that used to be coded BFK was later changed to CGL). XYTEX AFFILIATES (found in Xytex archives): Xytex has satellite semen banks in the following locations: Florida Institute For Reproductive Medicine, (904) 399-5620, Jacksonville, Florida; Genesis Fertility Centre (604) 879-3032, Vancouver, British Columbia, North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine, (919) 233-1680 Cary, North Carolina; Pacific Reproductive Services, (415) 487-2288, San Francisco, California; Reproductive Health Associates, (813) 572-5300, Clearwater, Florida; Southeastern Fertility Center, (803) 881-3900, Mt. Pleasent, South Carolina; University of Connecticut Health Center, (860) 679-3460, Farmington, Connecticut; Uptown Pharmacy, (214) 871-8711, Dallas, Texas; Xytex Corporation at Syncor, (800) 277-3210, Woburn, Massachusetts.
Donor ID:
  • Born Feb 26 1954. Started donating Feb 4 1983. Stopped donating 1984. German father, Irish mother. Height: 5'11". Blood type A+. Weight: 165#. Brown hair. Green eyes. Medium complexion. 16 years . Welder. Lutheran. Doc said he was medical student, but found out thru Xytex 23 yrs later that donor was a welder. He was married and had two children at that time, a son who should now be about 31 and a daughter who should now be about 28. Donor had brother (now about 60) and a sister (now about 56). He also had one paternal uncle, two paternal aunts and one each maternal uncle and aunt. Donor was quite "successful" per my attending OBGYN in Palm Beach county, so there should be some more siblings out there! : -) Kyle is quite pleased that he knows he has two more siblings out there somewhere! We already have the DNA analysis for Kyle and Mom from GTL for potential possible matches. We are also submitting samples to Cabri to put in their database. DI occurred in office of Dr. Jerry Swyers, MD in Palm Beach County. His partner was Dr. James Booher, Jr. Was "BFK", but should be changed to "CGL" per note at top of page-so I left it at the "2203".
    • Male born Feb 1985
  • Read message posted 04/09/08
  • Updated on 11/30/11
  • parent
There are a total of 1 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.