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Dr. Kleegman, Sophia

Doctors Office
Dr. Kleegman was a pioneer in artificial insemination. She had a private practice and also led Bellevue''s infertility clinic
Donor ID:
  • Born 1933. Started donating Jan 1965. Stopped donating 1970. Caucasian; N. European. Height: 5'10". Blood type O-. Weight: slim. Blonde Wavy hair. Blue eyes. Fair complexion. Ph. D (humanities). Grad student and assistant professor. Agnostic. Jazz .
    • Female born 1960
  • Read message posted 09/02/17
  • Updated on 11/03/21
Donor ID:
  • Started donating 1957. Eastern European: Lithuania, Poland, Russia & Budapest . Blood type B+. Fair complexion. Maybe NYU school of Medicine ? . Medical. No religion. Through testing at 23& me, the closest & only paternal relative who turns up was labeled a first cousin, a female, age 33, half Filipino, living in Vancouver, Canada. (Through that site, + Gedmatch & MyHeritage, we share 15. 3-16. 4% DNA). The difference in our ages makes it more likely that she is the child of my (unknown) biological half-brother. So, I imagine I have at least one half-brother out there. She was conceived the usual way in the Philippines, where her mother was 16/ 17 & the father was traveling through. Likely an American, might have been in the USAF. Her mother doesnt recall a last name, but first name may be Frank. I have no more information that may lead to my donor or other siblings. Dr. Kleegman routinely used donors from a pool of medical students/ interns/ residents at NYU. Matched the ethnicity quite well. My mother took this secret to her grave 5 years ago. My dad is 88. . . . I have given him several opportunities to come clean, (like my blood type being inconsistent) but he has not yet.
    • I am a Female born Feb 13 1959
    • Male born Nov 1957
  • Read message posted 04/06/19
  • Updated on 06/21/19
  • donor_offspring
There are a total of 3 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.