XYTEX AFFILIATES Xytex has satellite semen banks in the following locations:
Florida Institute For Reproductive Medicine (904) 399-5620 Jacksonville, Florida
Genesis Fertility Centre (604) 879-3032 Vancouver, British Columbia
North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine (919) 233-1680 Cary, North Carolina
Pacific Reproductive Services (415) 487-2288 San Francisco, California
Reproductive Health Associates (813) 572-5300 Clearwater, Florida
Southeastern Fertility Center (803) 881-3900 Mt. Pleasent, South Carolina
University of Connecticut Health Center (860) 679-3460 Farmington, Connecticut
Uptown Pharmacy (214) 871-8711 Dallas, Texas
Xytex Corporation at Syncor (800) 277-3210 woburn, Massachusetts
If you used Xytex, make sure to check all associated listings on the DSR.