Sperm Banks with Largest Donor Sibling Groups

By admin on September 15, 2011

Since last week’s NY Times article about a donor sibling group of 150, many concerned families, and some sperm banks have contacted me to find out which sperm banks produced the largest number of large half sibling groups on the DSR.

Although the DSR does have open records, that is, anyone can search through any of the sperm bank’s listings on our site, here are the sperm banks that do have the most large numbers of half sibling groups that we know about on the DSR:

Fairfax, Xytex, New England Cryogenic Center (NECC), Midwest, Cryogenic Labs (CLI), and Pacific Reproductive Services (PRS).  Some of these sperm banks ship sperm to small clinics and facilities around the world, so half siblings can also be in Canada, Mexico, Australia, etc.
