Donor Sibling Registry Research Tree Booklet

By admin on February 26, 2018

While we feel that it’s extremely important that all stakeholders are properly educated before (and after) donation/pregnancy, we realize that not everyone is interested in reading a stack of academic articles on the subject.

Additionally, those who provide counseling services to the stakeholders and those thinking critically about the issues with regard to setting policy might also have fallen behind on the latest research.

This is why we put together the Donor Sibling Registry’s new Research Tree booklet — a summary of some of our peer-reviewed/published research papers. It’s the “Cliffs Notes” of research, studying all those in the donor family: the parents (biological and non-biological) of egg and sperm donor children, the egg and sperm donors, the offspring, and even the parents of people who have donated, the “donor grandparents.”

The link to the Research Tree booklet is also on our Research page and Booklets & Brochures page of the DSR. We’re having a few hundred booklets printed, too — so you can email me at if you’d like printed copies.
