By admin on June 11, 2013

Headed to Minnesota today:

“Revamping the Law & Policy of Reproductive Technologies: Children First?”

An opportunity to turn the spotlight on what needs and rights ART offspring
and their families are themselves asserting and to consider how the practice
of ART should change.

9:00am – 5:00pm. June 12/13
Campus Club, Coffman Union, University of Minnesota (UMN)

Speakers/Topics include:

What Do We Owe ART Children, Adolescents & Adults?
* Wendy Kramer, Director, Donor Sibling Registry
* Susan Kane, donor-conceived adult & parent through donor conception
* Alan R. Fleischman, Professor of Pediatrics, Epidemiology & Population
Health, Albert Einstein Coll. of Medicine

How Should Offspring Welfare Concerns Affect ART Practices?
* Alan H. DeCherney, National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
* I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology &
* Lisa Erikson, MD, Center for Reproductive Medicine & Advanced Reproductive
Technologies of Minneapolis & St. Paul
* Philip Peters, Professor of Law, University of Missouri

Addressing Duties & Harms to ART Offspring: Is Reproductive Liberty a
Constraint? the Non-Identity Problem? Parental Authority?
* Michele Goodwin, Professor of Law, UMN
* Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Center for Bioethics, University of North Carolina
* Judith Daar, Professor Law, Whittier Law School
* John Robertson, Chair, University of Texas Law School

Communication & Information-Sharing with Offspring: Revealing Gamete
& Embryo Donation, Donor Identity, Surrogacy & Other Practices
* Barbara Collura, President/CEO, RESOLVE
* Martha Rueter, Assoc. Professor, Family Social Science, UMN
* Andrea Braverman, Assistant Director, the Educational Core, Thomas
Jefferson University
* June Carbone, Professor of Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City School
of Law