I remain adamant in my views of which sperm banks to steer clear of, and I became a little more comfortable with the couple that I do recommend. As always, anyone needing assistance with choosing a sperm bank can contact me.
For the first three years after it’s establishment in 2000, the DSR operated from this Yahoo group site. In 2003, when we became too big to properly support the matches that were happening here on Yahoo, we built the www.donorsiblingregistry.com website and moved all DSR activities (except for discussion, which stayed here) over to there. We have continued to add capabilities and grow the site, but without changing the site interface too much in the 7 years that it’s been up and running.
Seven years in a website’s life is an eternity! It’s become apparent to us that our site really needed to be updated and improved. Currently, the donor Q&A page, the photo page and the medical page are not being fully utilized as I believe that people are just not aware that these options exist. Also, people seem to have a hard time accessing and updating their personal information, postings, and messages that they have sent and received.
So- we have just hired a web development firm to assist us in a complete site rebuild. I am hoping that we can have the new and improved DSR website launched right after the first of the new year. We want to continue to grow the DSR, support our members (parents-to-be, donor offspring, sperm and egg donors all parents and all other interested family members), facilitate matches and educate families and the public- and we feel that updating the DSR site will help greatly in achieving these goals.
Wish us luck!
The DSR has been invited to present two research papers at the British Fertility
Society’s meeting in January. This will be our third year presenting at their
The first will be a poster presentation on the surveys we collected from 164
sperm donors (approximately 25% came from outside of the DSR).
The second, an oral presentation, will be on the surveys we collected from 759
donor offspring- the largest donor offspring survey to date. (Approximately half
of the respondents came from outside of the DSR).
We are also working on papers, so that this research might be published as well.