By admin on December 12, 2009

The three surveys for parents are ready!

1. Recipients of Donor Sperm (gestational moms)
2. Non-bio Parents of Sperm Donor Children (moms and dads)
3. Parents of Egg Donor Children (one or both parents together can take this survey)

We really struggled with trying to have just one survey for all parents, but there were so many different questions that just didn’t pertain to all parents, that we decided it was necessary to create three separate surveys.

We will be gathering information about choosing donors and sperm banks, pregnancies and births, raising children and medical issues. Many of the questions included in the survey were formulated as a direct response to issues we found in the donor and offspring surveys. We have an amazing opportunity to use our collective experiences to better educate the infertility industry so that their future policies might be more influenced by the needs of us- the donor families.

I hope everyone will participate. For recipient moms with spouses/partners –  we rarely hear from the non-bio parents so please encourage your spouse/partner to participate.  We want to hear from them!

Because these surveys are a bit longer and because we know your spare time is precious,  we will be offering a random drawing of 10 cash prizes of either $100 (DSR members) and $50 (non-members) for those who complete the survey by January 31, 2010.

Survey for recipients of donor sperm:

Survey  for non-bio parents of sperm donor children:

Survey for parents of egg donor children: