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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).

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Donor ID:
  • Born Apr 1952. Started donating Aug 12 1980. Stopped donating Jun 6 1989. European Mix . Height: 5 feet, 9 inches. Blood type O+. Weight: 145 then, 165 now. Light brown Straight hair. Hazel eyes. Fair complexion. 4 year College degree. Small business. Protestant. I always made deliveries to Colorado OB-GYN Associates, later shortened to "The OB-GYN Assocites", the office of Dr. Manford Oliphant , a clinic a little South of Rose Hospital, so I assume that Rose was the hospital I should list. Dr Oliphant had partners occaionally, as the names Charles R Freed, MD, and Anthony L Angelo, MD, and Dennis M, Weisbrod, MD, would sometimes appear on the envelopes from the clinic. The Address on most of the checks was 1955 Pennsylvania, but I did not deliver there. I think it might have been on E 9th or E. 8th. I almost always delivered to a small clinic a little South of Rose medical center, I think it was on a second or third floor of a small building. and once up in Westminster, Possibly 8406 Clay Street (the address on one check) For a time I worked in a hospital Lab and X-ray department. My brother, a doctor, had been invited to donate, but his wife objected, so he suggested I become a donor, and gave me the contact information, as we shared the same good health and high intelligence which seemed desirable at the time. I was sometimes called "the brown haired donor" and one other donor was referred to as "The blond donor" (possibly Rose #66) The reason I might be donor # 44 is that it seemed to fit my profile, which I read years ago on this site, and can't seem to find again. As soon as I find one offspring I should know my donor number. I joined "23 & Me" (by far the best of the genetic testing lab I found) thinking I might find some very close relatives, but the closest relatives they had on file were 3rd cousins. I had hoped one or more of my offspring might have joined 23 & Me. I joined "Ancestry . com" but have very little trust in their testing methods, I also sent off a sample to National Geographic's "Genotype 2" which is a lot of fun, but not nearly as useful, as the health profile on 23 & me discovered a couple of very interesting genetic traits, which I will happily share with any close genetic relatives.
    • Sperm Donor
    • Child
  • Posted 09/25/18
  • Updated on 09/25/18
  • sperm_donor
There are a total of 1 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.