NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).
This registry is intended strictly for informational purposes, and is neither endorsed nor supported by any individual or organization. Please note that while access to this list is restricted to individuals over 18 years of age, it is up to each and every parent to supervise and monitor their child's use of the Internet.
Reproductive Technologies, Inc.
Also, Northern California Sperm Bank (located in Oakland) is now known as
the Sperm Bank of California (now located in Berkley). Both banks are listed on the DSR. In addition to utilizing our Medical Update page, this bank would like recipients and donors to report medical issues to them.
High performance cars and learning how to build them.
Distinguishing feature-- dimples
Allergies: MCo1, food allergies to strawberries and peanuts onset at 3, avoidance, managed.
Gastro-intestinal: B, liver cancer a7, chemo, cause of death at 8.
Heart: MGF heart attack at 63, triple bypass, resolved. MGF high blood pressure at 63 medication, managed. PGF heart attack at 60, hospitalized, resolved. PGF high blood pressure at 60, medication, death at 61 from car accident, unrelated.
Sight/Sound/Smell: D, 20/25 20/40
Substance Abuse: F, Alcoholism, onset unknown, therapy, sober in 2012 since 1998
Cancer (see above): B, Liver Cancer
Math: Ive never liked math, mostly because its hard for me to grasp certain concepts. Once I get the concept behind it I dont struggle anymore
Mechanical: When it comes to mechanic I have always excelled and I enjoy it very much.
Athletic: I played lots of sports when I was younger and played basket ball in high school. Lately I just to the gym and workout.
Musical, Artistic, Creative: Art and music have never been my strong suits when it comes to performing /creating them. I do however love looking at or experience art and listening to music.
Language (what languages besides English do you speak?): None
Writing: The biggest trouble I have with writing is beginning but I get it started its very easy to finish.
Literature: Reading and understanding literature has been very easy for me and I enjoy it.
Science: Ivealways viewed science as a very fun subject because I get to understand how things work which has always been something I like to do.