I joined the Donor Sibling Registry and uploaded my daughter's information in 2017. I knew she had half-siblings, but I was the first parent to post for my donor. Fast forward to early 2019 when, after renewing my membership, I discovered a sibling had been added! At first, there was nothing but shock, that someone had finally posted. The shock gave way to both excitement and nervousness when I clicked on the link to message the family; it probably took me 30 minutes to write the first message!
That weekend, after hearing back from them, I posted my elation on the DSR Facebook page, where someone asked if I knew if the bank I used had a Facebook page for families. That wasn't anything I'd thought of previously, but I immediately started looking and found the page right away! I was approved to join, posted the donor ID, and within an hour of that had a response from a woman in.... IRELAND! She told me there is a closed/private Facebook page for families who have used that donor, and we connected on Facebook so she could add me to the page.
So.... in the span of one weekend I went from connecting to one family to ALL of the families that have used my donor! We are a very young group (I believe the oldest is 5 and there are many of us still growing our families), and for now, my daughter only knows about one half sibling, the one I connected with through the DSR. But it is amazing to have this connection so soon, and that they're all close enough in age that we can watch them grow through pictures! We are in the beginning stages of talking about a big get-together in the next couple of years; but I too am also going to start taking my daughter on one-on-one trips to meet her half siblings in 2020.
THANK YOU for all that you do; without this website I would not have any connections to my daughter's family. For this, I am extremely grateful!