Our 3 small children have now met 3 adorable half-siblings through DSR. There are undoubtedly more, but these lucky 6 will get to grow up knowing each other from the time they could talk. So far, we span the USA, UK, and Australia.
We already met the donor with the help of the donor bank. "Dad" visits us annually. And when we found half-siblings on DSR we invited everyone for a full extended family vacation with all 6 kids and "dad" this past year. Not without hiccups, but that is to be expected when sharing a vacation house with extended family, right?
The kids are all awesome, "dad" is more than expected, and each immediate family is wonderful. We refer to each other now as our "big family".
I hope we will continue our annual reunions and maybe even meet a few more half-siblings to invite from DSR.