In June of 2012 I received an email thru donor sibling was from my son's sister (half) I knew there was a girl born from the same donor however didn't tell my son of being a donor baby, just an IVF baby...I planned on telling him when he was older just so he would know that his genetics were not from his dad however from a donor...after hearing from his sister I felt it was time...she and I emailed back and fourth for 1 1/2 years and finally I told my son, December 2013...we all four met (his sister and him and us moms) June 2014...the visit was WONDERFUL! We are looking forward to meeting again and staying in touch of course!!! Oh and yes they look a like and yes they have similar characteristics...We have had great fun in sharing pics...They do have an interest in contact or finding out more about their donor!