Similar to many of the stories that I have read, I was very reluctant to open Pandora's Box and find out how many siblings my daughter has. Curiosity got the best of me and I registered on the DSR. I was shocked and almost fainted when I saw that there were 26 siblings. Keep in mind, those are just the families that have registered. In any event, I decided to embrace the families and started emailing them.
Fast forward, we have met 3 half-sisters in the past year. The physical similarities that the girls have is incredible and the sibling bond is strong. We are also on a private Facebook group so that we can network with the siblings and her families, post pictures, share medical history, etc.
The children are all beautiful and the donor has some strong genes. What a blessing that the children can grow up knowing one another. Many of the siblings were born in March and April. My daughter and one of her sisters even share the same birthday. We celebrated their birthday's together last month in Orlando. Our hope is to plan a family reunion next year and meet more of the siblings and their families. I am so grateful to Wendy and DSR for making this possible. My goal is to raise a happy and healthy little girl who will grow up to be a confident, strong, and independent woman. I have always been a firm believer that you give power to secrets. There are no secrets here and I couldn't be happier that we have an extended family through DSR. Once again, thank you Wendy and DSR. Dreams come true. :)