My daughter was conceived through a donor and at the time it was all new to me and a bit different. I never thought that would be my world but I was so happy to have hope. Afterwards I really didn't know how to approach the situation as it was very different than anything I've ever done. I went to a therapist who specialized in this, her help was invaluable, she told me that my daughter would be as comfortable with it as I was and she had me practice telling her at 6 months, I said 6 months?" She said, "that's for you to get use to it", and than she told me it really wasn't about me anymore it was about what was best for her and to keep any information that I could for later and never lie to my daughter. She told me she has the right to her genetic history if she so chooses. Her words have always guided me.
A month ago she, now 13, said, "mom I want to know more about my background, as an only child...sometimes I feel so alone". Well that of course broke my heart into action, I went to this site and I didn't want to pay if there wasn't anyone on the site. Well Wendy amazing called me on a Sunday to guide me I know she went out of her way to make sure I not only found our match but that they were emailed, well that was yesterday and my daughter is texting away with her sibling who looks like her and we'll they love all the same things, she thanked me. When we go this direction it's about them not us. Some children could care less but for those who do care it's our responsibility to help them. I'm so happy because my daughter is so happy, there is a part of her that needed to be connected and I'm happy I could make that happen for her I just had no idea it would only take less than 24 hours. Sincerely Blessed,