We began our journey in March of 2010, and after choosing our donor, became pregnant with a girl in July of 2010. Baby girl R was born in April of 2011. Just after finding out about the pregnancy, we registered with DSR in December and began to see others who had successfully used 4005--at that time, we found two others. We emailed and set up a facebook page just for our 4005 donor family, that at the time, seemed so small. Now, there are 17 offspring, with 3 more due at the beginning of next year-spread across 3 countries--Canada, the US and Isreal. Most of us keep up with each other and the children through the facebook page we have established, frequently checking the DSR for new registrys who may also want to know about their offsprings siblings.
It's an exciting time but also one with some tension as we enter uncharted waters in building this huge family for our daughter. Hopefully, she will enjoy the experience as much as we have.