The beginning continued: I have known about the DSR for many years, even before I had embarked on my journey to parenthood. learned of it though the Oprah Winfrey Show. I saw Wendy and her son on it, talking about their life and their experience and their connections. I even joined the DSR yahoo group years before I conceived, read about newsworthy issues related to donors, donor conceived people, politics, etc but never did I give much thought to it and how it would one day directly affect me.
Fast forward to Feb 2008 when my daughter was conceived with donor sperm. My partner and I wanted a donor that was an ID donor. A donor that would make himself available to her for contact when she was 18.We felt like this was important because we felt like it wasnt our right to take away the possibility. So one day, it will be her choice and we will respect whatever choice it is. I know for sure that if she chooses contact I would love to give the donor a huge hug and thank him for the most amazing gift we have ever gotten.
Fast forward to November 2008, our baby is born. We didnt give much thought to the whole sibling thing. I mean we knew about it in the back of our minds, but it just seemed far away in thought. And then
I think I saw Wendy on the Oprah show and a morning show and then I started thinking about the what if. So I looked and I lurked but I never joined. And I looked some more, Nothing. I felt discouraged. Now I wanted this. I wanted some connection. I remembered hearing Wendy say something about if you are serious about making a connection, join.
So the second week of January 2011, I joined and I posted. Two weeks later, there was a message that changed our lives forever for the better. We found a sibling who was just 3 weeks younger than our daughter. We were overjoyed. Emails, packages, online videos, pictures and skype helped us develop an amazing relationship with our daughters brother and his mommy. We met Mothers Day weekend for the first time and if felt like we have known one another a lifetime. It was magical. Not a day goes by we dont think of them. Their names are part of our daily conversations. We look at pictures of them all the time with our daughter. We have another visit set in stone, and another in the making. We are looking forward to a lifetime of shared stories, holidays, vacations, birthdays and love. We have given our children one of the most beautiful and special gifts. The chance to know their sibling and to grow up with one another . As a parent, I feel at peace knowing our daughter has someone in the world that is part of her.
WE ARE FAMILY. We are family because of Wendy and the DSR.
Happy Beginning to us and to all those who find a connection.
It is a gift. There is joy in our hearts.