I first heard about the Donor Sibling Registry in an internet news story. Having been a sperm donor long ago, I decided to look through the DSR listings just in case there was a match. I figured the odds of a match were slim to none.
A post from a parent listed details of a donor (from the same small facility I donated to) that matched me almost exactly (including a blood type found in only 9% of the population)--except for the donation dates, the start date being 2 years after I stopped. The parent and I both thought that a match was therefore not likely. Wendy Kramer of DSR sent a message to me pointing out that sperm is frozen, and often used long after the donor has stopped donating. The donor dates provided by the facility could be inaccurate.
I had recently had DNA testing done, for genealogical purposes, at the Family Tree DNA site. I suggested to the parent that she have DNA testing done through the same site for her daughter. Several weeks later, the results came back...there was no match. Once again, the matching donor details seemed to be just a coincidence.
Family Tree DNA, however, offered a new DNA test to customers and re-tested both DNA samples. A few weeks later, a match was confirmed.
Without the Donor Sibling Registry, and without the personal attention from Wendy Kramer, the match would not have been made. The DSR is an invaluable and unique resource for donor families.