Donor Sibling Registry

First time visitor? Please read!

You must add your posting to the Donor Sibling Registry BEFORE contacting any DSR members, as many people will not respond to DSR messages from folks when they can not see them posted on the site.

After you Add a Posting to the DSR, you will then get automatic DSR emails when you have a new match, when a DSR member has sent you a message, and when anyone who has used your donor adds information to the medical page that is only viewable by people posted for your donor. You can upload photos to share at any time after you create a posting, and choose whether they are only visible to your matches, or to all DSR members.

Just because you don't see someone already listed with your donor number, doesn't mean you don't have a match. Many people are out there waiting to post until they see another posting for their donor number - so be the first!